We got some unexpected and very welcome news today.
Our dossier (the mountain of paper work associated with the adoption process) has been reviewed (and approved) by the China Center for Adoption Affairs!!!
This happened much sooner than we had expected, given the slow down in referring children.
What happens next is that our (now) approved paper work gets matched with the paper work from a waiting child. We’re not sure when that will happen; the lag between approved paper work and referral of a child seems to be running about six months at present. The only thing we know for sure is that all of those times change, and this is the first sign of real progress since we had our paper work logged-in last December.
We’re a bit giddy! Still waiting, of course, but it’s a bit giddier kind of waiting!
WOW! This is GREAT NEWS! What color is the room?
Maria, Jim, Jake & Elena
We are thinking about a nice, soothing pale green. Something to calm the frazzled child and sleep-deprived parents!
We are very, very psyched! Thanks for sharing the excitement!
GREAT NEWS! Grandma Kitty can't wait
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