Tuesday, March 04, 2008

May We Introduce...


JennyDave received a phone call at work on Monday morning. Our agency director called to tell us that our referral had arrived! While not exactly a complete surprise, it arrived without warning or advanced notice. I think that it's fair to say that our agency was about as shocked as we were. Given the misadventures we're had getting the paperwork together, all of us were trying to manage our expectations for this month--hoping to learn our schedule, not daring to expect this!

None of our information had yet been translated, so we pieced together what we could from the file. It was a very exciting call!

What we know so far is this.

She is called Sui Mei Min. Sui (her last name) is from the county where she was found. Mei (her first name) means beautiful. Min (her middle name) means smart or alert. We'll likely call her Jenny Mei (watch this space to see how often we change our minds!)

She was born on (or near) December 9, 2006.

As of January 11, she weighs 9.5 kilos (about 21 lbs), stood 74 cm tall (about 30 inches). She appears to be very healthy, although we'll know more after we have her records reviewed by a real doctor.

She is described as an extrovert, talkative, has a "ready smile," likes music and toys, is active, imitates sounds, and (we love this one) knows the meaning of the word 'NO' (caps in original). Apparently she not only knows the meaning, but has her own views about authority. (Our parents must love reading this). If those of you who have daughters from China wouldn't mind, please use the comments to let us know how well these forms described your daughters!

Needless to say, we are very, very happy.

She is at the Suixi County Social Welfare Institute in Guangdong Province. We think that this is near Suixi City, south of Guangzhou. If anyone knows of it, leave us a comment!

So, what happens next?

Paperwork, of course. We're off to get new fingerprints tomorrow. Then we start signing forms. Then compile some more paper.

Our agency thinks we'll travel in early May. We're very excited to have come this far.

More later.


Anonymous said...

I am so overjoyed and happy to see her sweet face!

The biggest loudest congrats in the world to both of you.

Courtney said...

Oh my gosh! She is stunningly beautiful and so worth the wait!! What a wonderful day -- seeing your daughter's face for the first time. Praying for a super speedy TA so that you guys can be on your way! Spring should be a really lovely time to be in China. Oh, so happy for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Aunt Kristen and Uncle David,
Jenny is sweet as pie! Love Carlee
Jenny is cute! Love Alison
We are all so very happy for you.
Cheers! Chris

Anonymous said...

Jacob & Elena are in agreement that she is just adorable! Jacob also would like to state - FINALLY!!!!

Love to you both & Jenny!
Maria, Jim & kids

PS - totally LOVE Jenny Mei

Anonymous said...

when I west to bed last night after your phone call, I thought about a little girl in

When I went to bed last night after our phone conversation, I thought about a little girl in China who doesn't yet know what great parents and wonderful life awaits. Grandma Kittyvza

John McCollum said...

Congratulations. Thank God.

--Maria's friends

NancyW said...

We just brought our daughter home from Suixi in December. She turned 4 in January, but has the same opinion of the word NO! We wish you all the delight our Suixi girl has brought us. Early May should be nice to travel...by June that area gets HOT! We were there in June for our first daughter.


NancyW said...

Congratulations on you Suixi sweetie! We just got home in December with an almost 4 year old from Suixi...we wish you all the joy she has already brought to our family. Our Suixi girl has the same opinion about the word NO! The weather in early May should be nice. We were in Guangzhou for our first daughter in June 2002 and it was HOT by then.

Sue said...

CONGRATS!!! What a beautiful little girl! Hope your TA comes quickly so she can be home to enjoy spring!

Sue B
FCC Chicago

Jen Talley said...

Congratulations!!! We share the same LID and I've checking in every month to see if you have your referral. I was so sad for you back in December and now so happy for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, We are from the Nethelands and adopted a little Suixi girl in october 2006. The second name of the Children (yours is Mei) is given to all the children in Suixi Country Welfare instute who are found in that year (So yours is 2006). (Ours was 2005=Hua). Her firstname is Min.
Have a good trip, it is really really great to have a Suixi girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Courtney said...

I had to come back for another look at your little beauty!

Dave & Kris said...

Hi, everyone! We're enjoying all your comments, tips and good wishes. Brings a tear to our eyes.

We are both overjoyed and a little disbelieving that the long, long, long wait is just about over.

She IS a cutie, isn't she?!

All our best,
Dave and Kris (aka mom and dad)

Dave & Kris said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jboo said...

Congratulations! She is absolutely beautiful. Best wishes for speedy travel.


mumma to many said...

Hi guys I am so far behind! I didn't see your referral post I think on the DTC site but am so happy for you both!
It is so great to see your beautiful Jenny any idea of travel dates!
Hugs Ruth in NZ