We've made it!
Originally uploaded by j david
We've arrived in Beijing after an eventful trip. The downside: paid for
Jenny's ticket twice and offered our "host" gifts to TSA. The BIG upside: a
surprise upgrade to business class seats for a 13 hour flight!!!! These are
two weary (but very happy) travelers.
If you can see this post, please say "hi" in our comments or drop us a line!
Glad to hear you arrived safely. You lucky things being upgraded to business class! We have always hoped for that but no luck so far. We're taking Julia on her first plane journey since adoption in a fortnight - to Geneva for 2 days for the bank holiday weekend.
Hope you have a great time in Beijing and look forward to reading all about it.
Looking forward to following your journey to Jenny! Your life is about to change in a most wonderful way! Have a great time in Beijing.
Illinois APC group
mom to 2 China babies
Happy to hear you are there. The seats look great!! Can't wait for more updates and pictures of you with Jenny.
Hi Kristen and Dave -
So glad your journey is going well! Everyone here at CareCenter is wishing you the best. We were very relieved to hear that Jenny wasn't directly affected by the earthquake and your trip could progress as planned.
And... You're looking great! Thanks for letting us vicariously travel along.
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