Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Day 6: She's ours...

Day 6: She's ours...
Originally uploaded by j david

Today, well maybe it was yesterday, was another busy one. It's late, rather,
it's early, so I'm going to keep this short.

We finalized her adoption today, at least as far as the People's Republic of
China is concerned. On Wednesday, we're off to visit the doctor and start
paperwork for her US immigration/citizenship.

Following the paper work and two interviews, we had a hectic trip to the
Carrefour--a french supermarket chain. If I were paranoid, I'd think that
inflicting two (Jenny is traveling with Autumn) screaming kids on the
shoppers was a way for China to express their displeasure with the
French-owned chain.

She continues to grieve, showing a little more of herself every couple of
hours. She cried for her "Ayis" today--her "aunties" (meaning her
caregivers at the SWI. While we were sad for her, we're delighted that she
has learned language. And she is really disappointed that her new parents
have not learned any (or anything useful). She has also bolted upright and
taken a few steps (even on the bed!).

Her first night with us was a pretty good one- she slept through but for one
little episode. The following day has been a mix of exploration,
frustration and getting to know one another.

Thanks to all of you who have read and commented (especially those of you
who have been through this and have offered advice and encouragement)!


Anonymous said...

Yahoo! She's yours! All the feelings of two weeks ago came rushing back when I read your post.It was a great day even if it was one of Tori's worst. Hang in there and enjoy every moment! Can't wait to read more!

Jaydee, Jolon, & Tori

Linda Y. said...

I am moved to tears!! Thank you so much for sharing your experiences, and I hope you will be able to continue, as time allows. The picture of Kristen and Jenny at the top of the page just looks so "right." You look very comfortable, Kristen. Owen was in Guangzhou (sp?) for a day during his Tribune trip to Hong Kong several years ago. I've been thinking about you and praying for you these several days. What will you be doing in the week ahead? Much love from Linda

mumma to many said...

It is so great to see the relaxed stance you are taking! The photos say it all! Kristen looks like the cat who got the cream! And she has! What a beauty! Enjoy this grieving time as hard as it is it is so Joyful! It means she has had a secure attachment! I am so happy for you!
I an so envious! Can't wait the 3+ weeks until it is our turn!
Hugs Ruth in NZ

Tamie said...

Kristen and Dave,

You just reminded me about how the "waves" come and go. It took Addie Mei until around 4 pm each day to finally feel OK being with me and some little smiles came through. Each day the smiles came earlier and lasted longer. It was so amazing to actually see this transformation unfold. Enjoy EVERY moment!

You are doing the right thing in just rolling with the waves of grief!! You guys are naturals!!! As for the language, ask your guide to teach you something soothing to say to Jenny in CHinese for when she is upset.

Love the updates!
